Breathing Excersise
If you're feeling anxious this might help calm you down.
You don't need to match the numbers perfectly, do what's comfortable for you.
Version 1
1. Inhale to the count of 7.
2. Hold a moment.
3. Exhale to the count of 11.
4. Repeat.
Version 2
1.Inhale to the count of 5.
2. Hold for the count of 7.
3. Exhale to the count of 8.
4. Repeat.
A little game you can play with yourself to help ground yourself.
Look around you and find,
Five things you can see.
Four things you can hear.
Three things you can touch.
Two things you can smell.
One thing you can taste.
Arm Drop
Something I read years ago that's supposed to help with desossiation. I don't know how good it is but I still remember it.
You don't have to follow this to a T, do what you can.
1. Raise your hands above your head.
2. Let your arms fall to your side with the weight of gravity.