Mind Walker, created in 1986 by Bill Wiliams, is a mildly bewildering little action adventure for the Amiga. Playing as a bodybuilder, a nymph, a spriggan and, my favourite, amysterious wizard you traverse a literal brain to build a path from one point to another (or atleast the first stage).
My enby
You switch characters by walking under floating pyramids, but only some of them, which cycles you through. It came as a bit of a shock to change from sick-ass wizard to random muscle butt
Not as cool
Floating orbs and skulls exist to stop you in your path and you can hold down button 1 to fire a ligtning strike which you can then controle with the joystick. The enemies have various hights that aren't, as far as I can tell, indicated in any way, so you have to try and get to a height that you can shoot them while avoiding getting his by a single pixel of their tractor beams.
Fun fact: only one version of this game was released and this version was compatible with 4 generations of operating system. Idk I just thought that was neat.